(58) *Orchestre Poly-Rythmo de Cotonou Dahomey*
-EMI- HLNX 5060
debut LP which was pressed as a custom job by EMI Nigeria
Side A :
"Gbeti Madjro" on *African Scream Contest* see chapter {32}
.........................on *Best Quality* mix chapter {44}
"Kou Tche Kpo So O" on *Kings of Benin* see chapter {29}
......................on *Who voODOo loves ?* mix chapter {100}
"Les Djos" on *Kings of Benin* see chapter {29}
"Medida" on *Kings of Benin* see chapter {29}
.............on *Best Quality* mix chapter {44}
"Minsato Le Mi Dayi Home" listen chapter {155}
"Djoyimavo" listen chapter {156}
Side B :
"Mi Kpon Bo Do" listen chapter {117}
"Gbemi Na Gbe" listen chapter {117}
"Zizi" on *Echos Hypnotiques* see chapter {69}
"Wodeka Koe" on *Who voODOo loves ?* mix chapter {100}
"Avoun Doupou Me Douaga" on *Kings of Benin* {29}
"Angelina (2)" on *Kings of Benin* see chapter {29}

Thousand thanks *****Voodoofunk Frank***** for those
beautiful pictures and informations about this insanely rare
record. Everybody could clearly see now ALS 01 as a reissue
of this album.Then I asked to Frank if he is sure this one is
really the first album, before ALS 05 ? He answered logically:
"It sounds earlier to me and it wouldn't have made sense for
Albarika Store to press this one on EMI if they'd already have
done it as a regular Albarike Store release like ALS 05."
*****Samy Ben Redjeb***** ajoute : La photo utilisée pour la pochette est de Mai 1971. A cette date la moitié des titres figurant sur cet album avait déjà été pressée en 45 tours avec un franc succès au Benin. Ceci est une compilation de titres sélectionnés par EMI qui a acheté les licences en espérant que le succès Beninois ait une repercusion sur le marché Nigerian.
Le voyage effectué au Nigeria pour enregistrer le premier 33 tours du Poly-Rythmo se fait en 1973 et le disque ALS 005 est enregistré en quelques heures.Ainsi cette première compilation de 45 tours précède le premier disque de deux ans.
On this cover the picture is from 1971 . At this time the half part of these titles had been released as 7" singles with success in Benin. This LP is a compilation of selected titles EMI bought, wishing to be as much successful in Nigeria.
The trip to Nigeria to record the first Poly-Rythmo LP occured in 1973 and ALS 005 was recorded in few hours. These first compilation of singles was released two years before the first Poly-Rythmo's LP.
1 commentaire:
"Ainsi cette première compilation de 45 tours précède le premier disque de deux ans"....Ceci n´en fait pas le premier 33t du Poly-Rythmo mais la premiere compilation du group - not the same thing :)
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