Optical illusion with copyright : Kitaoka, Akiyoshi

>150< ASB 80
Zizi (Ahouangnimon Sebastien Pynasco) on *Debut LP* see chapter {51}
on *ALS 01* see {1} & *Echos Hypnotiques* see {69}
Medida (Ahouangnimon Sebastien Pynasco) on *Debut LP* see chapter {51}
on *ALS 01* see {1} & *Kings of Benin* see {29}
>151< ASB 97 same as >144< ASB 67 ??? to be confirmed....
E Na Wa Gnon (Melome Clement)
Gnon A Gnon Wa (Melome Clement)
>152< ASB 98
Ahouli Vou Yelli (Clement) on*Echos Hypnotiques* see chapter {69}
>153< ASB 114
K'Awaiye K'Abimo Ye (Bentho Gustave)
Gbeme Fi Dablou (Bentho Gustave)
>154< ASB 117
Adja (Melome Clement) Listen chapter {189}
Noude Ma Gnin Tche De Me (Melome Clement) on *Echos Hypnotiques* see {69}
>155< ASB 118
E Wa Dagbe (Attohoun Azaad Sylvain) listen chapter {105}
Mahu Ma Won Mede (Attohoun Azaad Sylvain)
>156< ASB 120
Ma Tafou Gnin O (Yehouessi Leopold) on *Echos Hypnotiques * {69}
Ma Do Homin Ho (Yehouessi Leopold)

>157< ASB 131
Revelation 72 (Adrien Lanmadoucelo)
Ano Donou Mi (Adrien Lanmadoucelo)
>158< ASB 132
Mi Ma Gnan Mede Gbeho (Melome Clement)
Sois pas triste (Melome Clement)

>159< ASB 135
Ai Gabani (Ahehehinnou Vincent) on Waaterproof & ZjAk mix chapter {40} & {44}
E Ma Dokpo Mi O (Ahehehinnou Vincent) listen chapter {164}.
"Ai Gabani" POLY-RYTHMO by Z j A k
*****Afrobrazilero***** have sold *Vincent Ahehehinnou* on Hasblinalau see chapter {24} for 567 $ !
5 commentaires:
En effet, ça déménage, ça fait rêver!
Ö comme je rêve d'autres solos d'orgue d'une telle intensité !
Papillon ♪ ♥ ♫ forever...
Yeah, that's one of my favorite tracks too! However, I had no idea that Papillon also played organ. Have you considered adding at some point in your blog the complete personnel of Poly Rythmo and what each of them played? Or (even more ambitious), attempting to identify the musicians behind their best recorded solos? Just an idea ;). Thanks for the non-stop amazing music, ZjAk!!
! ! ! Hay chihuahua ! Tu veux donc ma mort...et c'est tout le bien que tu me souhaites amigo mio ???
Ha ha ha!! Je reconnais que l'idée des solos est un peu trop :)...
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