
{123} Single ESB 035 listen !


From chapter {73} -Echos Sonores du Benin-

ESB 035

"Ma Djo Ye Doo"  +  "Se Ba Ho"

"Ma Djo Ye Doo" + "Sè Ba Ho" POLY-RYTHMO by Z j A k

Thanks *****Hidehito Morimoto***** for your support this post is dedicated to you.

2 commentaires:

reservatory a dit…

I've downloaded everything in sight and am really enjoying all of it. It's wonderful to have access to sound files after drooling and dreaming over the photos of so many records I had little hope of ever hearing. THANKS.

Z j A k a dit…

Kind words friend, thankxxL, happy to see you're back to enjoy it. And guess ... many more are coming!