
{136} -Daho-Disco- "Akotonon" + "Yalele"

Optical illusion by Master *****Akiyoshi Kitaoka***** : 


Recently discovered by *****Nuno Aires***** this -Daho-Disco- was made in France not in Ghana  and a cover should exist.

>124< PPN 4503 / 4504   see chapter {99}

Akotonon  (Ahouangnimon Sebastien)

Yalele  (Ahouangnimon Sebastien)

4 commentaires:

icastico a dit…


Nice tracks.

Jaime a dit…

Merci beaucoup, ZjAk!

Z j A k a dit…

Not bad that jerk uh ?
Next post, friends, will be ENORMOUS!
................ah ah ahhhhhhhhhhhh !

Anonyme a dit…

Encore une obscure sortie du Poly Rythmo....

Machecako aka Pokac