
{181} -Albarika- ASEP 1071 "General Gowon" ♫ +++

>206< ASEP 1071

Vi We Gnin Le (Melome Clement)

General Gowon (Melome Clement) 

 "General Gowon" POLY-RYTHMO by Z j A k

Dedicated to *****Calumbinho***** master archivist !

Samy Ben Redjeb from Analog Africa, told me the ALS 016 long version, see chapter {66}, was better than the single one...Frank Gossner from Voodoo Funk did post it and Cyril from Afrofever did send the rip to me !
Many big thanks to this Poly-Rythmo's africionados society to allow us enjoying this rare superb track !

 "General Gowon" long version POLY-RYTHMO by Z j A k 

8 commentaires:

Jaime a dit…

Superbe! Merci, ZjAk. En fouillant un peu, on trouvera une version encore plus groovy sur voodoofunk (celle dont parle Samy?)

Lg alias Croustille alias Le Grand Guy D'Amérique a dit…

Vraiment pas mal.. j'aime la 'vibe' et le tempo de cette version..

Z j A k a dit…

Jaime merci beaucoup et Cyril t'a entendu, voilà donc les deux versions réunies pour le plaisir de tous !

Lg comme toi j'aime les deux 'vibes' de ce morceau.

Anonyme a dit…

Thank you very very much ZjAk! I love this one so much!

Z j A k a dit…

Yes Dolf, a great one !

calumbinho a dit…

The version posted by voodoofunk was one of my favorite Poly Rythmo tracks, but this new one is truly great too. And the sound quality is superb, as usual - at some point, ZjAk, I'll definitely be harrassing you on how to make a good rip.

calumbinho a dit…

(BTW, did you see Osibisaba's last post? He did it again - another jewel I think could very well be post of the week.)

Carli a dit…

Good Sound, THX ZjAk.