
{213} 1st track NEW POLY-RYTHMO LP : "Pardon" ♫ +++

 Orchestre Poly-Rythmo - Pardon by Strut

Many thanks to Sons d'Ailleurs and Elodie Maillot !

*****Greg aka Ogoun Ferraille***** me demandait qui chante. Pas Mélomè ni Vincent , je suis presque sur que c'est *****Cosme Anago***** (voir sa photo au chapitre {93}) mais je ne reconnais pas la voix rauque qui est derrière lui.

*****Greg***** asked  who's singing. Not Mélomè neither Vincent, I'm quite sure to recognize *****Cosme Anago***** (see his pic on chapter {93}) but I don't know who sings with this raucous voice with him.

Feel free to comment !

4 commentaires:

ReeBee a dit…

frissons dans l'attente

Z j A k a dit…

I hope it will arrive for end of march as previously said by Elodie...but maybe mid april !

Fleurs tropicales ; Kêtu Records a dit…

bien bien :) :) :)

Jaime a dit…

Et re-oui!
Merci, ZjAk.