
{137} ESB 030 *LE PAPILLON* 3 first tracks listen +++

Optical illusion by Master *****Akiyoshi Kitaoka***** : 


 ESB 030 *LE PAPILLON* 3 first tracks POLY-RYTHMO by Z j A k 

*****Samy Ben Redjeb***** according to the  interview made with *****Kineffo Michel***** explains in notes of *Vodoun Effect* (see chapter {34}) the producers of  ESB and other small labels only had access to the most bare-bones of recording equipment. All they had to record was a Nagra, a Swiss made reel-to-reel recorder and a sound engineer courtesy of the National Radio. These sessions, as extraordinary as it may sound, were often recorded in private homes, sometimes at Lohento Eskill's uncle's place. It the case of this album.

 A rare photo shows what is even more astonishing: that recordings were mostly done using just one or two microphones. As Mr. Keniffo explains that was actually standard operating procedure for the smaller labels:
"The singer would be placed directly in front of the microphone. The rest of the band would form a half-circle behind him."

Many thanks to Samy Ben Redjeb and -Analog Africa- for this picture and fantastic inner notes in general but most of all on *Vodoun Effect*. One more time Samy , Miles, Frank following Duncan were the european initiators...then we are followers, poets, lovers, fans ...of the TOUT PUISSANT ORCHESTRE POLY-RYTHMO !

Details about this album on chapter {16}

14 commentaires:

icastico a dit…

Single mic...the only way to get that sound. Awesome picture.

Anonyme a dit…

sorry but what is the title of songs?

Z j A k a dit…

1) Ne rien voir-dire-entendre 5'12

2) Gbe Gni Wan Nu We 4'35

3) Tombola Tche We Dou 5'00

Jaime a dit…

Du bonbon! J'adore.

Ogoun Ferraille a dit…

A ma connaissance "Tombola tche we dou" fait la 4ème "version" de "Gendarme si wé" ou "Gendamou na wili we gnannin", terrible...

Merci !!!

calumbinho a dit…

Love it, particularly the first one! One little question, though (I'm sure you saw it coming): what's the deal with the tracklisting on the covers & labels? IS Side B really 27 mins. long? And another thing: in chapter 16 it says this album may be from 1974, but my guess is any album from "Echos Sonores du BENIN" (instead of Dahomey) or which says "Made in Benin" should be from later than November 30, 1975...? Can't wait to hear more in any case! :)

Z j A k a dit…

Greg merci, grâce à ta connaissance des langues béninoises tu pouvais seul nous apporter cette précision.

Calumbinho, of course the fourth and fifth tracks will follow soon(the fifth one is so good!) This B side is absolutely 27 minutes long ! And the date is recording date I suppose, please read again Samy's inner notes and interviews of *Vodoun Effect* ...

trumpetaaa a dit…

yesyes seems like ... bad equipment and the music gets more feelings & soul ... nowadays when they have such good equipments the music often gets so sterile ... thanks again for all the wonderful tracks you share here

calumbinho a dit…

ZjAK, you're totally right about my pending homework with Sammy's notes, he he... and it's true, I guess it matters a lot more when these wonderful things were played than when they were published. Ummm, I see there's a new post, I'm going there right away... :)

reservatory a dit…

These are especially beautiful. That goes for track 4 (with more to come!?). THANKS. Great photo, too.

Z j A k a dit…

Thank you all dear friends, Poly-Rythmo's true fans, long time followers. Reading your comments make me feel strong enough to continue this "impossible mission".

Ogoun Ferraille a dit…

Ah ben non au contraire le texte a rien à voir à priori, par contre musicalement c'est exactement le même thème que les LA40, LA741 et ASEP1074...

En tout cas merci mille fois c'est terrible...

Z j A k a dit…

Tu as remarqué Greg , l'art de l'esquive...me suis pas trop mouillé sur ce coup là! Mais tu aurais pu avoir raison, merci de tes précisions toujours les bienvenues.

Ogoun Ferraille a dit…

Merci pour tes ajouts, toujours les bienvenus.

Sinon me lance pas de fleurs en plastique, je suis à un million d'années lumières de maîtriser ces langues mais c'est pas l'envie qui m'en manque... ; )

Par contre je parle couramment avec les flics de Cotonou, s'ils t'emmerdent pour une raison XY tu peur sors un; "Kinklin chef, djo mi do".

Ça donne un éclat de rire et t'es tranquille pour cette fois...